Saturday, February 13, 2010

Prell Shampoo After 3-4 Days Of Hair Dye Will Prell Shampoo Fade It?

After 3-4 days of hair dye will Prell Shampoo fade it? - prell shampoo

I dyed my hair on Tuesday afternoon and turned to me her hair a medium brown dark brown / black cherry with a red dye. I heard that Prell shampoo will help some hair coloring, but it's too late? I will try to disappear without stripping hair's natural color with whitening products. Is there any hope or any other product, there will be viable?

If so, what should I do with my hair (how many minutes I'm on, etc.?)?


Stained Glass- Baby C 11/15/09!! said...

Each shampoo clarfiying color gradually disappear faster than a shampoo for colored hair color. There are a lot of paint were removed, but very well disappear in the next few weeks.

heather b said...

Prell, the use of good sentence! prolly one of the worst product you can use! Bounce is very drying and hair elastics. Go to your room and get some shampoo to clarify.

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